Divine Healing:

Answers to Tough Questions

Written By Polly McBee Hutchison

Divine Healing - Answers to Tough Questions | By Polly McBee Hutchison

Divine Healing: Answers to Tough Questions

By Polly McBee Hutchison




Divine Healing: Answers to Tough Questions

While working for Morris Cerullo, an evangelist with a healing ministry, I would contact people claiming to be healed during the services, obtain follow-up x-rays, and doctor’s statements, and interview family and friends.

I saw firsthand how God works in people’s lives. Then I began receiving letters from people who thought they were healed and later their symptoms returned, and from people who had not been healed and questioned why.

Books of healing were no help, merely testimonies of people who were healed or set formulas on how to get healed.

Finally, claiming the Bible verse “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not, and it shall be given him. James 1:5, I went through the entire Bible, copying every verse having to do with healing.

I don’t claim to have found all the answers, and there are no formulas or pat answers with God.

What I learned, however, will be very helpful to others. The Bible says, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Hosea 4:6

In the case of healing, this is literally true.


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About The Author

Author Polly McBee Hutchison
Author Polly McBee Hutchison

Polly McBee Hutchison

Polly McBee wanted to be a writer from a very early age, possibly because she started to read before she entered kindergarten.
However, it wasn’t until she was married, that she wrote her first two novels.
Ignored by publishers, she quickly realized that she needed to step up her game…