Polly Mcbee Hutchison

About The Author

Polly McBee wanted to be a writer from a very early age, possibly because she started to read before she entered kindergarten.

However, it wasn’t until she was married, that she wrote her first two novels.

Ignored by publishers, she quickly realized that she needed to step up her game.

Encouraged by family, she submitted human interest magazine articles, training manuals, and filmstrips for the Army and even wrote a world history textbook that is still in use today.

It was while working on that project, she entered and won the EPA’s National Creative Writing Contest for an essay comparing the American Revolution with the French Revolution.

Currently Polly resides in Sun Lakes, Arizona, and finds the climate to be a delightful blend of the best aspects of both San Diego and Hawaii.

These surroundings, coupled with her cherished memories, continue to serve as a wellspring of inspiration for her writing.

With eleven published books to her name and more on the drawing board, Polly continues to provide stories that inspire, magnify hope in a hope-starved world, and leaves one wanting more of her enjoyable and eclectic writing style. 

David: The Young Lion | By Polly McBee Hutchison

The David Series, Vol. 1-6

The David Series follows the extraordinary journey of David, a young shepherd who becomes a legendary figure in ancient Israel.

From his humble beginnings as a courageous young lion slayer, David’s path intertwines with the tumultuous politics of the kingdom.

Anointed as the future king, he faces the wrath of King Saul, enduring betrayal, loss, and relentless pursuit.

Johnathan: The Forgotten Hero

At the age of fifteen Jonathan led an untried army against a Philistine Garrison, winning an incredible victory. 

Two years later, Jonathan and his armor bearer attacked a Philistine army, and when joined by his father’s troops again won an amazing victory. 

After these triumphs, Jonathan is forced to stand by, watching his father make terrible decisions that cause God to seek another to replace him as King of Israel. 

As King Saul descends into madness, that after destroying the lives of his family, eventually led to the most terrible defeat Israel ever experienced to that time.

Johnathan: The Forgotten Hero | By Polly McBee Hutchison

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